Storytelling Tips
Tips for our "Slice of Life" Storytelling Series
Story Outline
Tips for Tellers
10 Things To Do if You are Nervous
Story Outline
Tips for Tellers
10 Things To Do if You are Nervous
Suggested References
1. Improving Your Storytelling by Doug Lipman
2. The Storyteller's Start-up Book by Margaret Read MacDonald (there are three copies available in the Vancouver Island Regional Library)
3. Inviting the Wolf In by Loren Niemi and Elizabeth Ellis
If you are interested in writing your own stories, you will find these books to be very useful references.
1. From Plot to Narrative by Elizabeth Ellis
2. The Book of Plots by Lorne Niemi
3. Telling Tales, Storytelling in the Family by Gail de Vos, Merle Harris, & Celia Barker Lottridge
4. The Power of Personal Storytelling by Jack Maguire
Collections of Folktales
1. Best-Loved Folktales of the World, selected by Joanna Cole
2. Favorite Folktales from around the World, edited by Jane Yolen
2. The Storyteller's Start-up Book by Margaret Read MacDonald (there are three copies available in the Vancouver Island Regional Library)
3. Inviting the Wolf In by Loren Niemi and Elizabeth Ellis
If you are interested in writing your own stories, you will find these books to be very useful references.
1. From Plot to Narrative by Elizabeth Ellis
2. The Book of Plots by Lorne Niemi
3. Telling Tales, Storytelling in the Family by Gail de Vos, Merle Harris, & Celia Barker Lottridge
4. The Power of Personal Storytelling by Jack Maguire
Collections of Folktales
1. Best-Loved Folktales of the World, selected by Joanna Cole
2. Favorite Folktales from around the World, edited by Jane Yolen